Kong CE 0.13.0 released

After a release candidate cycle of several weeks, the Kong team is very happy to announce the promotion of the final, stable release of Kong CE 0.13.0!

Download and try now Kong CE 0.13.0.

CE 0.13.0

The highlights of 0.13.0 are:

  • :fireworks: The introduction of Services and Routes as new core entities. Those entities replace the “API” entity and simplify the setup of non-naive use-cases. They provide better separation of concerns and allow for plugins to be applied to specific endpoints.
  • :fireworks: A new syntax for the proxy_listen and admin_listen directives allows you to disable the Proxy or the Admin API at once, meaning the separation of Kong control-planes and data-planes has never been that easy!
  • :fireworks: The new endpoints such as /routes and /services are built with much improved support for form-urlencoding payloads, and produce friendlier responses. Expect existing endpoints to move towards this new implementation in the future and greatly improve the Admin API usability.
  • Fix several issues with our DNS resolver, health checks configuration, and application/multipart MIME type parsing.
  • Docker: the latest and 0.13.0 Docker Hub tags now point to the alpine image.

See the 0.13.0 Changelog for a complete list of changes in this release.

If you are already running Kong, consult the 0.13 Upgrade Path for a complete list of breaking changes, and suggested no-downtime upgrade path.

Services and Routes

We wrote an overview of Services and Routes and how they can help simplifying your configuration in the release blog post.Go check it out if you are curious!

You can also find more information about them in the Proxy Guide, or the Admin API Reference.

Happy Konging!


Please review the repositories’ packages priority, I installed Kong CE 0.13.0 and apt is trying to “upgrade” it to 0.13.0rc2.

Done, was not aware of this issue, thanks for reporting. In the future, we will certainly use a different repository for release candidates.

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Thank you very much for your prompt action!

For reference, I had already mentioned this issue: Kong community repository