Kong CE 0.14.0rc1 available for testing

Hi everyone!

We are absolutely thrilled to announce the availability of Kong CE 0.14.0rc1 today! :smiley: :tada:

This release candidate is without questions one of the largest in terms of new features and ground-breaking improvements that should push Kong to new heights. It also contains quite a lot of bug fixes to critical components such as the health-checks, DNS resolver, and the Admin API.

There are a few reasons why we believe you should help us testing this release candidate:

  • :fireworks: It ships with the first version of the Plugin Development Kit, which is to become the new official, forward-compatible way of writing plugins.
  • :fireworks: Four newly bundled (and open source) plugins help Kong integrating better with Cloud Native environments:
    • Zipkin
    • Prometheus
    • Azure Functions
    • Serverless Functions
  • :fireworks: The new mechanism for dynamically injecting Nginx directives should help you get rid of your custom Nginx configuration template if you use one.
  • Kong plugins are now executed on Nginx-produced errors (HTTP 4xx or 5xx), which allows logging plugins to report them.
  • Cookie-based load balancing support :cookie:
  • Support for PUT requests in the Admin API’s modern endpoints (Services/Routes/Consumers/Certificates).
  • And as previously mentioned, a lot of bug fixes!

:page_facing_up: The complete changelog can be browsed on GitHub: Kong CE 0.14.0rc1 Changelog.

:package: The distribution packages are available for download in our usual community repositories, and the Docker Images should be updated shortly.

:rocket: The recommended upgrade path is the usual one for major version bumps (Suggested Upgrade Path), including some Nginx configuration changes, which could affect your custom template if you have one. However, testing the new approach of injecting Nginx directives via the Kong configuration would be a great way to replace your custom Nginx template!

EDIT: the 0.14.0 Upgrade Path is now available.

:books: We are still working on bringing our documentation up-to-date, and are asking of you that if you want to test 0.14.0rc1, please refer to the links (Pull Requests or new plugins repositories) which all include some documentation around the new features, thank you :slight_smile:

As a release candidate, we discourage the use of 0.14.0rc1 in production environments, but we strongly encourage testers to give it a try and give us your feedback! This forum is a great way to ask questions or post feedback, and the GitHub issues are still the de facto place for bug reports.

We wish to thank in advance all of the testers for this release candidate!


QQ, where it says “Please take a few minutes to read the 0.14 Upgrade Path for more details regarding breaking changes and migrations before planning to upgrade your Kong cluster.” and the link points here:

I only see 0.13.x notes currently on master branch and the release/v0.14.0 branch, is there a WIP release candidate upgrade guide so we don’t make mistakes and leave us head scratching what we may have misconfigured(especially with custom template needed changes and the likes)? Otherwise I will just study release notes and piece it all together.

Oops, forgot to remove that note. So no, no upgrade path yet (as mentioned in this announcement), which means no detailed list of breaking changes, and no Nginx configuration diff. The upgrade path is the same as usual though (Suggested one linked in the announcement). Legitimate question :slight_smile: We’ll try to publish it ASAP.

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These sound interesting! Looking forward to giving them a try :smiley:

:whale: The docker images should now be available!

$ docker pull kong:0.14.0rc1-alpine
# or:
$ docker pull kong:0.14.0rc1-centos


I just uploaded the 0.14.0 Upgrade Path to list all breaking changes (including configuration and Nginx template changes). cc @jeremyjpj0916

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Awesome, will read it over and apply those once C* migrations are worked out and return feedback! Also excited to hear confidence in setting the db cache TTL to not expire by default, should save a few slower calls in practice.

Another interesting change is the new Cassandra lb policy as well (RequestRoundRobin / RequestDCAwareRoundRobin) any chance in documentation to compare/contrast the benefits or what Kong’s goal was with the newer option? I understand it means no new connections for the same request so uses 1 C* host during end to end phases of a tx I assume), does this help with some of the consistency problems we have seen in the past (OAuth2 related and the likes where a create occurs but the subsequent lookup was so quick propagation has not had time to occur and lookup failures were occurring?) Would this be more performant possibly as well utilizing the same connection through the request? I imagine if it is better in all cases dropping the older round robin would have been appropriate(or maybe at a later time as new one is vetted).

Edit - I think the merge or commits were messed up some how here : https://github.com/Kong/kong/blob/release/0.14.0/UPGRADE.md , seems 0.13.x reference title and bits were cut out, and 14.x upgrade path starts talking about 12->13 upgrade at some lower points(so the 13.x info got mixed up in it).

There was a mistake in the diff block syntax of the nginx configuration changes which made the toggle swallow most of the 0.14 and 0.13 upgrade paths. Now fixed, thanks for the catch!

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