Kong Developer Portal login issue

Hi All,

I have enabled the Kong Developer portal , applied authentication with Basic Auth and Session Config , then trying to sign-in, after sign-in it is redirecting to the dashboard link on the browser url but it is not getting me into the portal still it asks for the credentials on the same login pageKong Developer portal

This is most of the times because of missing entries in the configuration - especially the “cookie_domain” is the most frequent one. See also Getting Kong Manager to work (and also Kong Developer Portal) - SvenWal for some more insights

I followed all these steps but not able to login developer portal. Here is my configuration:

In env values.yaml:
portal_auth: basic-auth
portal_session_conf: ‘{“cookie_name”:“portal_session”,“secret”:“portal-secret-kong”,“storage”:“kong”,“cookie_secure”:false,“cookie_samesite”:“off”,“cookie_domain”:“ap-south-1.elb.amazonaws.com”}’

protocol: http
Kong manager: no issues with it.
Environment used is AWS EKS with DB

First I registered user with these details test, test@abc.com and password , using default devportal. Then saw in kong manager developer section, user is there and auto approved.
Now tried to login with creds: test@abc.com, password but I don’t see any error, it just keeps me on the same login page.

In images, you can see no errors.

Please assist.