The new fastest way to try Kong on Kubernetes - courtesy of Google Cloud Platform

Kong Kubernetes App on Google Cloud Platform Marketplace is now the fastest and easiest way to get hands-on with Kong on Kubernetes.

  1. Google Cloud Platform (GCP) has a free tier with credits for first-time users - signup is quick and easy at
  2. Once you have a GCP account, deploying a Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) cluster is one-click easy (or one-command, for those that prefer the CLI)
  3. Once you have a Kubernetes cluster on GKE, deploying Kong to that cluster takes only a few more clicks

The following video is a walk-through of the process starting with step #2 and ending with tearing down the Kubernetes cluster to preserve your Google Cloud Platform credits.

You may want to start your journey on Kong’s install page for Kubernetes, which presents various options for deploying Kong on Kubernetes - if you prefer a Helm chart, manifest files, Minikube, an ingress controller, or even Kong Enterprise, we’ve got you covered!

And if you don’t love what you find, we welcome your feedback on Kong Nation, or better yet, contribute clarifications and improvements via Pull Requests on our documentation repo or the new repo for Kong on Kubernetes via GCP Marketplace.