ON Premise: About Kong Kubernetes Ingress Controller Limitations


Our software company develops a project running on Kubernetes. Since some restrictions regarding data security we are not allowed to use cloud infrastructure. Our project uses micro service infrastructure.

We already installed and configured Kubernetes on premise. Since our infrastructructe consist of micro services, we implemented Kong Kubernetes Ingress Controller as ingress controller. We are now testing our project with open source self hosted Kong edition.

Are there any limitations on open source self hosted Kong edition? We could not find on your website differences between open source self hosted version versus enterprise self hosted version.
For instance is there any limitation on request per months in open source self hosted version?

Thanks in advance for your kind interest.

There are no performance or throughput limitations on the open source gateway. All differences between it and Enterprise versions are features only available in Enterprise.

The Enterprise documentation includes an overview of the Enterprise features and a diagram indicating what’s included in Enterprise versus open source. The Enterprise licensing documentation covers what’s available when using Enterprise in free mode (without a paid license). Our plugin hub lists which plugins are Enterprise-only.

If you have additional questions on the differences between our product offerings, our sales team is the best point of contact.