Kong Installation in Windows

Hi, I wanted to know whether we can install Kong in windows 10. I have done kong setup using docker in windows 10. But still when I type Kong in command prompt I am getting the result as “‘kong’ is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.” Please help me to solve this error. Thank you in advance.

You can run only Kong in Docker if in Windows OS. You can find the options supported here. But, why are you trying ‘kong’ command - what are you trying to achieve ?

Than you for the response. I was trying to do Deploy Kong Gateway in Hybrid Mode setup and I tried to run this command “kong hybrid gen_cert” in the command prompt. At that time it was showing the error as “kong’ is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file”

If you are not, you have to be inside the docker container to run those command.