Kong for Kubernetes 0.9 released

We are happy to announce the release of Kong for Kubernetes 0.9! This release improves security, simplifies management of the Kubernetes Ingress Controller, and makes it easier to get started running Kong by removing barriers to DB-less adoption.

Notable capabilities of this release include:

  • Plugin Configurations via Secrets - Plugin configuration often has sensitive information that needs to be secured. This release improves security by enabling use of Kubernetes Secrets to protect sensitive credentials running in serverless workloads and enterprise applications.
  • CA Certificates and client TLS authentication - This release enables users to verify client certificates without using a database with Kong. Users can dynamically configure CA certificates using Kubernetes Secrets, which can then be used with Kong’s mtls-auth plugin to verify a client’s TLS certificate.
  • Custom Entities in DB-less Mode - Previously DB-less configuration was a problem for plugins with custom entities, because the ingress controller didn’t know in advance what they would look like. This release adds support for such entities via Kubernetes ConfigMap, a file with the relevant configuration details.
  • Environment variables for certificates - This release simplifies the configuration needed to use certificates with an admission controller and the Kong Admin API. Whereas previously this required using the command line, these can now be provided via environment variables.

You can get started with Kong for Kubernetes 0.9 by following our guide here or reading the launch blog. For a complete list of features and updates, take a look at the full changelog.