Kong 1.2.2 released, including security patches

Hello Kong Nation!

We just released Kong 1.2.2 . This version is a patch release, includes patches to the NGINX core (1.13.6) fixing vulnerabilities in the HTTP/2 module (CVE-2019-9511, CVE-2019-9513, CVE-2019-9516). Everyone using Kong with HTTP/2 is advised to upgrade immediately.

:package: Download Kong 1.2.2 and upgrade your cluster!

There are no migrations, new features nor breaking changes over Kong 1…2.1.

A couple of changes from our master branch of development were included:

  • Case sentitivity fix when clearing the Upgrade header. #4779
  • Speed up cascade deletes in Cassandra. #4770

:spiral_notepad: Here’s a link to the 1.2.2 Changelog.

:whale: The updated Docker image is live on Docker Hub.

Similar patch releases for the 1.1 and 1.0 series will follow shortly. And of course, the upcoming Kong 1.3 will include the patches as well.

Happy Konging!

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