How to upgrade kong (docker version)?

  • Currently I have a running kong container using docker-compose.yml template as provided on github.
kong_kong_1         kong:latest               Up 7 weeks (healthy)>8000/tcp,>8001/tcp,>8443/tcp,>8444/tcp
kong_db_1           postgres:9.5              Up 7 weeks (healthy)   5432/tcp
  • with 7 months old kong image:
kong                         latest                7a800e1cef72        7 months ago        185MB
  • How do I upgrade it? Since I cannot found upgrade documentation, I assume I can upgrade using docker standard upgrade. Is it as simple as this?:
docker pull kong
docker-compose restart
  • Any other necessary step should I do? Please advice. Thanks


Your steps should work, note that you may need to remove the Kong container so that docker-compose actually recreates it. Make sure you keep the Postgres container, or all your config will be lost.

It is a good idea to make a back of the Postgres container before upgrading.