Are Kong images built for arm64?


I tried to install Kong Enterprise Free on AWS EKS with Graviton processors. The same configuration works fine on my local x86 computer. So I wonder if I miss some configuration or not.

What I see inte clear-stale-pid logs is:

exec /usr/bin/rm: exec format error

In the pod description I find (caused by the error above):

Init Containers: clear-stale-pid:\n Container ID: containerd://4b3201490c0d3ce761a0eec54c1cc7c6aaffb8cd08979db4d73d1f096abdcc5d Image: kong/kong-gateway:3.1 Image ID: Port: Host Port: Command: rm -vrf $KONG_PREFIX/pids State: Waiting Reason: CrashLoopBackOff Last State: Terminated Reason: Error Exit Code: 1 Started: Wed, 25 Jan 2023 13:56:03 +0100 Finished: Wed, 25 Jan 2023 13:56:03 +0100 Ready: False

I use the following image configuration according to the documentation for the Enterprise free mode:

  # Kong Enterprise
  repository: kong/kong-gateway
  tag: "3.1"


Found the answe myself. Changed image to:

  # Kong Enterprise
  repository: kong/kong-gateway
  #tag: "3.1"

  # For ARM
  tag: ""