About the Service Mesh category

This section is specific to questions that are related to Service Mesh deployments.

As such, here you can post any questions related to Service Mesh (Istio, Kuma, and so on) on Kubernetes or any other platform.

Are you planning k8s cluster service mesh?
As istio has it.

In addition do you have any performance tests for kuma that I can run?

Yes, Kuma (https://kuma.io) supports a Service Mesh in Kubernetes. You can try it out at https://kuma.io/docs/latest/installation/kubernetes/

Excuse me, I want to combine kong and istio. But don’t know how to do it. There are some official tutorials but they are not very detailed. For example, how to replace the gateway of istio and combine it with virtualservice. The native istio virtualservice is bound by selecting the istio gateway. So can I bind to the kong ingress controller or other ways. I strongly suggest that the official can give a relatively complete case. This place is really confusing.