Integrating Kong gateway with existing Istio?

Hi, I’m trying to integrate Kong with Istio. Has anyone tried to integrate Kong API gateway with existing Istio setup in Kubernetes environment? Does Kong support integration with existing Istio: If so, Is there any relevant documentation covering this?

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Prudhvi, sorry for the late response. I’m working on getting a Kong + Istio how-to blog post out by next week. In the meantime, check out as a starting point.

Kubectl apply this yaml file and it will install kong db-less and configure your gateway via ConfigMap.

Edit: Here is the blog post!

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@kevin.chen Thank for the blog on kong + istio.
Did you try having 2 different versions of productpage micro-service and have a virtual service distributing the 90% traffic to productpage v1 and 10% traffic to productpage v2, the Kong would still distribute the traffic evenly to both version(As a kubernetes service would do). Since in your case productpage is hitting the review not kong.
I’m having issue hitting istio virtual service through kong. More details are described here:

Hi, I got some problem when installing kong above istio in postgresql mode(I have a requirement to use OAuth2), could you help me with that?