Kong 1.1.2 + Cassandra migrations not working as expected

Hey Folks,

Following https://docs.konghq.com/install/docker/, on an Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS host, docker client 18.09.2, docker engine 18.09.6, docker-compose 1.23.1, the migrations process stuck. It works with PostgreSQL but it does not work with Cassandra.

Kong 1.1.2 + Cassandra works fine on Mac OS X and Debian 9 hosts, but it is not working on all developers’ laptops running Ubuntu 18.04.2.

Any clue why this is happening?

$ docker run --rm --network=kong-net -e “KONG_DATABASE=cassandra” -e “KONG_PG_HOST=kong-database” -e “KONG_CASSANDRA_CONTACT_POINTS=kong-database” kong:latest kong migrations bootstrap --vv
2019/06/24 14:14:09 [verbose] Kong: 1.2.0
2019/06/24 14:14:09 [warn] You are using Cassandra but your ‘db_update_propagation’ setting is set to ‘0’ (default). Due to the distributed nature of Cassandra, you should increase this value.
2019/06/24 14:14:09 [debug] ngx_lua: 10013
2019/06/24 14:14:09 [debug] nginx: 1013006
2019/06/24 14:14:09 [debug] Lua: LuaJIT 2.1.0-beta3
2019/06/24 14:14:09 [verbose] no config file found at /etc/kong/kong.conf
2019/06/24 14:14:09 [verbose] no config file found at /etc/kong.conf
2019/06/24 14:14:09 [verbose] no config file, skip loading
2019/06/24 14:14:09 [debug] reading environment variables
2019/06/24 14:14:09 [debug] KONG_PG_HOST ENV found with “kong-database”
2019/06/24 14:14:09 [debug] KONG_DATABASE ENV found with “cassandra”
2019/06/24 14:14:09 [debug] KONG_CASSANDRA_CONTACT_POINTS ENV found with “kong-database”
2019/06/24 14:14:09 [debug] KONG_NGINX_DAEMON ENV found with “off”
2019/06/24 14:14:09 [debug] admin_access_log = “logs/admin_access.log”
2019/06/24 14:14:09 [debug] admin_error_log = “logs/error.log”
2019/06/24 14:14:09 [debug] admin_listen = {“”,“ ssl”}
2019/06/24 14:14:09 [debug] anonymous_reports = true
2019/06/24 14:14:09 [debug] cassandra_consistency = “ONE”
2019/06/24 14:14:09 [debug] cassandra_contact_points = {“kong-database”}
2019/06/24 14:14:09 [debug] cassandra_data_centers = {“dc1:2”,“dc2:3”}
2019/06/24 14:14:09 [debug] cassandra_keyspace = “kong”
2019/06/24 14:14:09 [debug] cassandra_lb_policy = “RequestRoundRobin”
2019/06/24 14:14:09 [debug] cassandra_port = 9042
2019/06/24 14:14:09 [debug] cassandra_repl_factor = 1
2019/06/24 14:14:09 [debug] cassandra_repl_strategy = “SimpleStrategy”
2019/06/24 14:14:09 [debug] cassandra_schema_consensus_timeout = 10000
2019/06/24 14:14:09 [debug] cassandra_ssl = false
2019/06/24 14:14:09 [debug] cassandra_ssl_verify = false
2019/06/24 14:14:09 [debug] cassandra_timeout = 5000
2019/06/24 14:14:09 [debug] cassandra_username = “kong”
2019/06/24 14:14:09 [debug] client_body_buffer_size = “8k”
2019/06/24 14:14:09 [debug] client_max_body_size = “0”
2019/06/24 14:14:09 [debug] client_ssl = false
2019/06/24 14:14:09 [debug] database = “cassandra”
2019/06/24 14:14:09 [debug] db_cache_ttl = 0
2019/06/24 14:14:09 [debug] db_cache_warmup_entities = {“services”,“plugins”}
2019/06/24 14:14:09 [debug] db_resurrect_ttl = 30
2019/06/24 14:14:09 [debug] db_update_frequency = 5
2019/06/24 14:14:09 [debug] db_update_propagation = 0
2019/06/24 14:14:09 [debug] dns_error_ttl = 1
2019/06/24 14:14:09 [debug] dns_hostsfile = “/etc/hosts”
2019/06/24 14:14:09 [debug] dns_no_sync = false
2019/06/24 14:14:09 [debug] dns_not_found_ttl = 30
2019/06/24 14:14:09 [debug] dns_order = {“LAST”,“SRV”,“A”,“CNAME”}
2019/06/24 14:14:09 [debug] dns_resolver = {}
2019/06/24 14:14:09 [debug] dns_stale_ttl = 4
2019/06/24 14:14:09 [debug] error_default_type = “text/plain”
2019/06/24 14:14:09 [debug] headers = {“server_tokens”,“latency_tokens”}
2019/06/24 14:14:09 [debug] log_level = “notice”
2019/06/24 14:14:09 [debug] lua_package_cpath = “”
2019/06/24 14:14:09 [debug] lua_package_path = “./?.lua;./?/init.lua;”
2019/06/24 14:14:09 [debug] lua_socket_pool_size = 30
2019/06/24 14:14:09 [debug] lua_ssl_verify_depth = 1
2019/06/24 14:14:09 [debug] mem_cache_size = “128m”
2019/06/24 14:14:09 [debug] nginx_admin_directives = {}
2019/06/24 14:14:09 [debug] nginx_daemon = “off”
2019/06/24 14:14:09 [debug] nginx_http_directives = {}
2019/06/24 14:14:09 [debug] nginx_optimizations = true
2019/06/24 14:14:09 [debug] nginx_proxy_directives = {}
2019/06/24 14:14:09 [debug] nginx_sproxy_directives = {}
2019/06/24 14:14:09 [debug] nginx_stream_directives = {}
2019/06/24 14:14:09 [debug] nginx_user = “nobody nobody”
2019/06/24 14:14:09 [debug] nginx_worker_processes = “auto”
2019/06/24 14:14:09 [debug] origins = {}
2019/06/24 14:14:09 [debug] pg_database = “kong”
2019/06/24 14:14:09 [debug] pg_host = “kong-database”
2019/06/24 14:14:09 [debug] pg_max_concurrent_queries = 0
2019/06/24 14:14:09 [debug] pg_port = 5432
2019/06/24 14:14:09 [debug] pg_semaphore_timeout = 60000
2019/06/24 14:14:09 [debug] pg_ssl = false
2019/06/24 14:14:09 [debug] pg_ssl_verify = false
2019/06/24 14:14:09 [debug] pg_timeout = 5000
2019/06/24 14:14:09 [debug] pg_user = “kong”
2019/06/24 14:14:09 [debug] plugins = {“bundled”}
2019/06/24 14:14:09 [debug] prefix = “/usr/local/kong/”
2019/06/24 14:14:09 [debug] proxy_access_log = “logs/access.log”