Configure Basic Authentication between Konnect and service implementation

We have created an API Product on Konnect with an apikey.
Each user must use his apikey to use the API, but once he is authenticated with Konnect, we need to use a basic authentication to call the service implementation. The CURL equivalent command to call the service implementation:

-u token:a_certain_token_value
-H “Content-Type: application/json”

The end user can call the Konnect API (local data node) using the following CMD:

-H “apikey:valid_api_key”

Is there a way to configure this external basic authentication with Konnect?

@ralph.ryte Can you provide more specifics on your question? It’s not clear what your upstream service is doing as far as authentication. As it relates to Konnect, it seems the API Gateway is properly authenticating the API via API Key as configured with the API Product. Can you clarify your issue?

If the backend service requires a static token to be passed, you can use request-transformer-plugin and add it as Header with basic Auth.