App Registration with auth type OIDC in API product in konnect

When using OIDC as Authentication type(when enable app registration to the publish version) in the API product and then how we create apps and Generate credentials in dev portal and how to use that credentials to authenticate against the link service.

@Aniket_Maurya I am not sure which IDP but here I am referring to AzureAD. If you are using the OIDC it will be an external auth and you do not need to generate any credentials to authenticate. You just enable the client ID (basically appid) while registering your IDP inside the Developer Portal.
Next step you need to subscribe to the services in the developer portal to use those services. So when you make an API request Kong will validate the access token as well as whether the same client(Appid) is subscribed to a service or not. If the user has the valid token but has not subscribed to any services through the Developer portal then Kong will deny the request.

Please refer to the documentation for more details Configuring Azure for Dynamic Client Registration - Kong Konnect | Kong Docs

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Thanks for the reply @Mithun. I figured out this problem