Enabling OIDC in the devportal

Hi Team,

I follow the below documentation to enable oidc in the devportal.

To try that in the Kong Enterprise trial version ( Cloud ), I have used below config to enable OIDC in the default devportal settings. Do we have to change anything on the portal code? or Am I missing anything on the below config.


"consumer_by": ["username","custom_id","id"],
"leeway": 1000,
"scopes": ["openid","profile","email","offline_access"],
"logout_query_arg": "logout",
"client_id": ["#############"],
"login_action": "redirect",
"logout_redirect_uri": ["https://portal-testing######.kong-cloud.com"],
"ssl_verify": false,
"consumer_claim": ["email"],
"forbidden_redirect_uri": ["https://portal-testing######.kong-cloud.com/unauthorized"],
"client_secret": ["############"],
"issuer": "https://dev-######.okta.com/oauth2/default/.well-known/openid-configuration",
"logout_methods": ["GET"],
"login_redirect_uri": ["https://portal-testing######.kong-cloud.com"],
"login_redirect_mode": "query"


Can you please help here?