Using clustering mean in Kubernetes environment a Kong deployment with replicas?

Using clustering mean in Kubernetes environment a Kong deployment with for example 3 replicas? In the same kubernetes cluster(3 nodes) are living Cassandra pods + Kong pods + Restsfull apis pods so in each Amazon availability zones we will have 3 nodes=3instances?. Why inKONG + Kubernetes Deployment example implements in 2 nodes a Kong deployment with 3 replicas?

The deployment is provided as an example and can be extended to deploy nodes in each availability zone. Did you run into any issues while changing the configs?

No I didn’t have any issue, It just that I checked the cluster.yaml file and kong documentation about clustering and several aspect were not clear for example I don’t decide in which node the replica will live, it is kube-scheduler so we are not able to know when any info about service will be accesible in all PODs in every node and in the same way in this configuration we can’t guarantee NO existence of single point of failure. I understand your explanation. It is just an analysis.