Unable to install kong on RHEL


I am following Install Kong Gateway on RHEL - v2.8.x | Kong Docs (konghq.com) link to install kong on RHEL (Red hat linux) OS.

Running below commands
1> curl -Lo kong-2.8.1.rpm $(rpm --eval “https://download.konghq.com/gateway-2.x-rhel-%{rhel}/Packages/k/kong-2.8.1.rhel%{rhel}.amd64.rpm”)
2> sudo yum install kong-2.8.1.rpm

For the 2nd command I am getting below error.
"Warning: failed loading ‘/etc/yum.repos.d/kong.repo’ skipping.
Can not load RPM file: kong-2.8.1.rpm
could not open: kong-2.8.1.rpm
Because of the above error kong installation is failing. After the 1st step command run I can see kong-2.8.1.rpm file present in the current directory location.

Please help to resolve this.
