Unable to get kong minikube started

I’ve been following the instructions here to a T, https://github.com/Kong/kong-dist-kubernetes/blob/master/minikube/README.md but when I go to deploy Kong, I see an error in the pod logs that says “database needs bootstrap; run ‘kong migrations bootstrap’”. I don’t even know where I can actually execute that command. The postgres container doesn’t have kong installed. I didn’t see anything in the issues for the project, so I came here

We’re currently working towards adding support for Kong 1.0 to that repository:

Meanwhile, if you’re already using helm, you can use Kong’s official Helm chart to ease your deployment:

FYI: @hutchic

does the helm chart install work on minikube as well? are the docs in https://github.com/Kong/kong-dist-kubernetes just completely out of date then?

does the helm chart install work on minikube as well?

Yes, make sure you’ve Helm/Tiller setup on Minikube.

are the docs in GitHub - Kong/kong-dist-kubernetes: Kubernetes managed Kong cluster just completely out of date then?

As mentioned before, the work for Kong 1.0 is in progress.

would it be okay if I added a note to the README that it’s a work in progress to support 1.0 just so others don’t waste time on the setup and direct them to the Helm/Tiller setup process?