Unable to add service/Routes via admin API

Helm Version: 2.10.2
Kubernetes Version: 1.22.6
Kong Version: Latest(2.4.2)
Environment: Azure Kubernetes Service

Summary of what I have done so far,

  1. Kong Gateway Installation - Installed kong by executing the below helm command
    “helm install kong kong/kong -n kong”
  2. Once installation is done, I am able to access the proxy in the “http://XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:80” url
  3. Admin API - upgraded the helm chart by adding the “admin:” section to the values.yaml file. Now, I am able to access the admin api in the “http://XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:8001/” url
    “helm upgrade kong kong/kong -n kong -f values.yaml”
  4. Manager UI - upgraded the helm chart by adding the “manager:” section to the values.yaml file. Now, I am able to access the Kong Manager in the “http://XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:8002” url

Problem statements
The problem no 1 is, when I tried to add service via admin api(curl command), getting the below error.
HTTP/1.1 405 Not Allowed
{“name”:“operation unsupported”,“message”:“cannot create ‘services’ entities when not using a database”,“code”:12}

The problem no 2 is, as stated above, the manager UI is loading properly, but when I tried to add a new service, it is throwing “Network error”. Have enabled “enterprise.enabled: true” in the values.yaml

Tried all the below approach for data store to get rid of the above error.

  1. DBless
  2. Helm provisioned Postgres
  3. Azure managed Postgres(latest version as of 07/2022)
  4. Postgres version 13 installed on Azure VM(ubuntu 20.04)

There is no restriction to access any of the above postgresql databases, as the port 5432 is kept open and it is accessible through internet(for testing alone). I am also able to successfully connect them from my laptop via pgAdmin and psql

To sum up,

1) the admin API and Manager UI is loading properly, but unable to add any service/routes.

2) Unable to add Postgresql database as the Data Store.

I am new for Kong and Kubernetes. Hence the terminology that I used might not be relevant.
I am trying to install Enterprise(Free) edition and not the paid subscription.

Please find the values.yaml below. The IP Address mentioned in pg_host is dummy(for security reasons I have deidentified the values)
database: “postgres”
pg_port: 5432
pg_timeout: 50000
pg_user: kong
pg_password: kong
pg_database: kong
pg_ssl: off
nginx_worker_processes: “2”
proxy_access_log: /dev/stdout
admin_access_log: /dev/stdout
admin_gui_access_log: /dev/stdout
portal_api_access_log: /dev/stdout
proxy_error_log: /dev/stderr
admin_error_log: /dev/stderr
admin_gui_error_log: /dev/stderr
portal_api_error_log: /dev/stderr
prefix: /kong_prefix/
repository: kong/kong-gateway
tag: “2.8”
pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
enabled: true
type: LoadBalancer
annotations: {}
labels: {}

enabled: true
servicePort: 8001
containerPort: 8001

enabled: false
servicePort: 8444
containerPort: 8444
- http2
enabled: false
annotations: {}
path: /
pathType: ImplementationSpecific

enabled: true

enabled: true
type: LoadBalancer
annotations: {}
labels: {}

enabled: true
servicePort: 8002
containerPort: 8002

enabled: false
servicePort: 8445
containerPort: 8445
- http2

enabled: false
annotations: {}
path: /
pathType: ImplementationSpecific