Trying to understand the Rate Limit plugins 'limit_by: credential' configuration

I’m a bit confused.

With the Rate Limiting plugin, how exactly does the config.limit_by: credential configuration work?

If I enable the plugin on a consumer with multiple api keys (via the key-auth plugin) what effect does setting the config.limit_by configuration to credential have?


Each credential will get the limit you have set. consumer on the other hand, will limit based on each consumer, no matter which credential was used.

Ah. I understand now. Thank you.

@hbagdi I take it there isn’t currently a way to set different limits to individual keys?

You can create multiple consumers, each with one key and then set different limits for each consumer.

You can create multiple consumers, each with one key and then set different limits for each consumer.

Hadn’t thought of mananging it like that. Thanks again. :+1: