Which implies (to me) that you can create a plugin configuration and attach it to multiple Ingress resources, which sounds amazing. Unfortuantely, this isn’t the case – the mapping is currently 1:1 and any attempt to attach a Plugin to multiple Ingress results in only one of them receiving it.
This was confirmed in this issue (with a bit more information):
My environment (which I don’t think is terribly uncommon) has about 50 microservices and 6 global plugins. From what I’ve been able to find, Kong Ingress does not support global plugins yet either. This means I end up with 300 KongPlugin resources for that environment (it’s actually 600 because I have a second domain that also cannot be combined). Fixing the above issue would take me from 600 custom Kong resources to 6.
My questions around this are:
What should I expect for the timeline on something like the above? Any chance it’d be within a month or so? If not, I may need to hold off on moving forward for now.
Is there any undocumented feature to configure global plugins in Kong? I suppose I could just configure those manually, but I read something about Kong Ingress removing manually-created resources so I’m not certain if that’s possible or not.
I got some clear answers to the above in the Github issue itself but leaving this for comments/discussion, and a point of reference for any interested.