Not able to install Kong on linux VM

i have tried installing kong on my linux VM.
but after entering below command , getting error

$make install
Missing dependencies for kong 2.1.4-0:
luasec == 0.9 (not installed)
penlight == 1.7.0 (not installed)
lua-resty-http == 0.15 (not installed)
lua-resty-jit-uuid == 0.0.7 (not installed)
lua-ffi-zlib == 0.5 (not installed)
multipart == 0.5.9 (not installed)
version == 1.0.1 (not installed)
kong-lapis == (not installed)
lua-cassandra == 1.5.0 (not installed)
pgmoon == 1.11.0 (not installed)
luatz == 0.4 (not installed)
lua_system_constants == 0.1.4 (not installed)
lyaml == 6.2.5 (not installed)
lua-resty-iputils == 0.3.0 (not installed)
luasyslog == 1.0.0 (not installed)
lua_pack == 1.0.5 (not installed)
lua-resty-dns-client == 5.0.1 (not installed)
lua-resty-worker-events == 1.0.0 (not installed)
lua-resty-mediador == 0.1.2 (not installed)
lua-resty-healthcheck == 1.3.0 (not installed)
lua-resty-cookie == 0.1.0 (not installed)
lua-resty-mlcache == 2.4.1 (not installed)
lua-messagepack == 0.5.2 (not installed)
lua-resty-openssl == 0.6.2 (not installed)
lua-resty-counter == 0.2.1 (not installed)
lua-resty-ipmatcher == 0.6 (not installed)
kong-plugin-azure-functions ~> 0.4 (not installed)
kong-plugin-zipkin ~> 1.1 (not installed)
kong-plugin-serverless-functions ~> 1.0 (not installed)
kong-prometheus-plugin ~> 0.9 (not installed)
kong-proxy-cache-plugin ~> 1.3 (not installed)
kong-plugin-request-transformer ~> 1.2 (not installed)
kong-plugin-session ~> 2.4 (not installed)
kong-plugin-aws-lambda ~> 3.4 (not installed)
kong-plugin-acme ~> 0.2 (not installed)
kong-plugin-grpc-web ~> 0.1 (not installed)
kong-plugin-grpc-gateway ~> 0.1 (not installed)

kong 2.1.4-0 depends on luasec == 0.9 (not installed)
Warning: falling back to curl - install luasec to get native HTTPS support

Error: Failed installing dependency: - Could not find header file for OPENSSL
No file openssl/ssl.h in /usr/include
You may have to install OPENSSL in your system and/or pass OPENSSL_DIR or OPENSSL_INCDIR to the luarocks command.
Example: luarocks install luasec OPENSSL_DIR=/usr/local
Makefile:110: recipe for target ‘install’ failed
make: *** [install] Error 1

Your system is missing openssl it seems, need to install openssl dependency and setup its PATH probs.

A general guide:

i have already installed openssl -
root@ci-cd-pipeline:~/kong# openssl version
OpenSSL 1.1.1 11 Sep 2018

root@ci-cd-pipeline:~/kong# whereis openssl
openssl: /usr/bin/openssl /usr/share/man/man1/openssl.1ssl.gz

Hmm looking at other examples I stumbled here:

what if you try to isolate to just doing the luarocks install command prior to Kong and figure out what works there(using OPENSSL_LIBDIR or OPENSSL_DIR):


luarocks install luasec OPENSSL_LIBDIR=/usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/

Not ideal but lets you troubleshoot it a bit.