Need help with Yugabytedb

Installed kong and yugabytedb cluster, seems it is working. but i get errors like this below;

2023/12/28 11:23:58 [error] 1278#0: *152 [lua] init.lua:253: invalidate(): [DB cache] failed to broadcast cached entity invalidation: could not insert invalidation row: ERROR: System column "ctid" is not supported yet, context: ngx.timer
2023/12/28 11:23:58 [error] 1278#0: *152 [lua] events.lua:54: failed broadcasting target create to cluster: could not insert invalidation row: ERROR: System column "ctid" is not supported yet, context: ngx.timer

yugabyte - community support says they dont have support for ctid and wonders of this question from KONG.

Can you open a ticket on kong to ask why use ctid and we can find a fix?

Do anyone know how to create a ticket or ask it a team member of kong.