Kong.yml using DB-less mode and Ingress Controller


I’m setting up a installation of Kong Gateway in my test environment using an Ingress Controller and db-less mode.
According to the values.yaml documentation, if I use db-less mode and not an Ingress controller I cannot set the kong.yml on the dblessConfig.

My question is where do I need to configure to start my application with my kong.yml that I have?

Thank you!

If you would like to use Kong in DB-less mode without the ingress controller, then you can specify the content of kong.yml (your configuration) under dblessConfig property. There are two ways to do it, either use a config map or simply specify the configuration inline under the config` key.

Hope this helps.

Hi @hbagdi! Thanks for the answer!

According to what you explained:

If you would like to use Kong in DB-less mode without the ingress controller…

My point is: Is there a way to configure Kong DB-less mode with the ingress controller?

Thank you!

@hbagdi using this configuration I got it to do my tests!

Thank you for the help!

Not via the chart. You can use the Admin API directly to add in some configuration, although that is discouraged.

I am trying to setup kong as a gateway (in db-less mode) and put an ingress resource (through kong-ingress-controller) in front of it to expose our microservice apis to the external world.

Following this video I understand that kong-ingress-controller v2.9 has the capability to do gateway discovery. Repo link

My question is - After configuring two helm deployments (one for gateway and another for kic) how do we configure the kubernetes ingress resource to point to the gateway?
