Kong - problem with accessing admin port remotely

Hopefully, this is a simple question. I am setting up Kong for the first time and trying to access the admin console from from a remote computer. We’ve pretty much opened up the iptables since its a dev machine. When typing http://:8001 from the remote computer a connection refused message is displayed. I am hoping it’s a simple problem with the nginx kong configuration as the Kong-Dashboard works just fine on port 8080. Here is a list of the iptables (btw we are not using docker for the Kong install) and the Kong configuration. Any feedback here would be greatly appreciated :slight_smile:

iptables -L
Chain INPUT (policy DROP)
target     prot opt source               destination
ACCEPT     all  --  anywhere             anywhere
ACCEPT     all  --  anywhere             anywhere             state RELATED,ESTABLISHED
ACCEPT     tcp  --  anywhere             anywhere             tcp dpt:ssh
ACCEPT     tcp  --  anywhere             anywhere             tcp dpt:http
ACCEPT     tcp  --  anywhere             anywhere             tcp dpt:http-alt
ACCEPT     tcp  --  anywhere             anywhere             tcp dpt:8001
Chain FORWARD (policy DROP)
target     prot opt source               destination
Chain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT)
target     prot opt source               destination
Chain DOCKER (0 references)
target     prot opt source               destination
Chain DOCKER-ISOLATION (0 references)
target     prot opt source               destination
Chain DOCKER-USER (0 references)
target     prot opt source               destination

Partial Kong config


prefix = /usr/local/kong/       # Working directory. Equivalent to Nginx's
                                 # prefix path, containing temporary files
                                 # and logs.
                                 # Each Kong process must have a separate
                                 # working directory.

log_level = notice              # Log level of the Nginx server. Logs are
                                 # found at <prefix>/logs/error.log.

# Note: see http://nginx.org/en/docs/ngx_core_module.html#error_log for a list
# of accepted values.

proxy_access_log = logs/access.log       # Path for proxy port request access
                                          # logs. Set this value to `off` to
                                          # disable logging proxy requests.
                                          # If this value is a relative path,
                                          # it will be placed under the
                                          # `prefix` location.

proxy_error_log = logs/error.log         # Path for proxy port request error
                                          # logs. Granularity of these logs is
                                          # adjusted by the `log_level`
                                          # directive.

admin_access_log = logs/admin_access.log # Path for Admin API request access
                                          # logs. Set this value to `off` to
                                          # disable logging Admin API requests.
                                          # If this value is a relative path,
                                          # it will be placed under the
                                          # `prefix` location.

admin_error_log = logs/error.log         # Path for Admin API request error
                                          # logs. Granularity of these logs is
                                          # adjusted by the `log_level`
                                          # directive.

#custom_plugins =                # Comma-separated list of additional plugins
                                 # this node should load.
                                 # Use this property to load custom plugins
                                 # that are not bundled with Kong.
                                 # Plugins will be loaded from the
                                 # `kong.plugins.{name}.*` namespace.

#anonymous_reports = on          # Send anonymous usage data such as error
                                 # stack traces to help improve Kong.


proxy_listen =, ssl
                         # Comma-separated list of addresses and ports on
                         # which the proxy server should listen.
                         # The proxy server is the public entrypoint of Kong,
                         # which proxies traffic from your consumers to your
                         # backend services. This value accepts IPv4, IPv6, and
                         # hostnames.
                         # Some suffixes can be specified for each pair:
                         # - `ssl` will require that all connections made
                         #   through a particular address/port be made with TLS
                         #   enabled.
                         # - `http2` will allow for clients to open HTTP/2
                         #   connections to Kong's proxy server.
                         # - Finally, `proxy_protocol` will enable usage of the
                         #   PROXY protocol for a given address/port.
                         # This value can be set to `off`, thus disabling
                         # the proxy port for this node, enabling a
                         # 'control-plane' mode (without traffic proxying
                         # capabilities) which can configure a cluster of
                         # nodes connected to the same database.

# Note: see http://nginx.org/en/docs/http/ngx_http_core_module.html#listen for
# a description of the accepted formats for this and other *_listen values.

# Note bis: see https://www.nginx.com/resources/admin-guide/proxy-protocol/
# for more details about the `proxy_protocol` parameter.

admin_listen =, ssl,
                         # Comma-separated list of addresses and ports on
                         # which the Admin interface should listen.
                         # The Admin interface is the API allowing you to
                         # configure and manage Kong.
                         # Access to this interface should be *restricted*
                         # to Kong administrators *only*. This value accepts
                         # IPv4, IPv6, and hostnames.
                         # Some suffixes can be specified for each pair:
                         # - `ssl` will require that all connections made
                         #   through a particular address/port be made with TLS
                         #   enabled.
                         # - `http2` will allow for clients to open HTTP/2
                         #   connections to Kong's proxy server.
                         # - Finally, `proxy_protocol` will enable usage of the
                         #   PROXY protocol for a given address/port.
                         # This value can be set to `off`, thus disabling
                         # the Admin interface for this node, enabling a
                         # 'data-plane' mode (without configuration
                         # capabilities) pulling its configuration changes
                         # from the database.

nginx_user = nobody nobody      # Defines user and group credentials used by
                                 # worker processes. If group is omitted, a
                                 # group whose name equals that of user is
                                 # used. Ex: [user] [group].

nginx_worker_processes = auto   # Determines the number of worker processes
                                 # spawned by Nginx.

nginx_daemon = on               # Determines wether Nginx will run as a daemon
                                 # or as a foreground process. Mainly useful
                                 # for development or when running Kong inside
                                 # a Docker environment.

mem_cache_size = 128m           # Size of the in-memory cache for database
                                 # entities. The accepted units are `k` and
                                 # `m`, with a minimum recommended value of
                                 # a few MBs.

ssl_cipher_suite = modern       # Defines the TLS ciphers served by Nginx.
                                 # Accepted values are `modern`,
                                 # `intermediate`, `old`, or `custom`.

Edited your message to make it readable. Please use code blocks when posting such configuration/CLI outputs, thanks!

It seems like you configured the Admin API to only listen on the local interface?

admin_listen =, ssl,

You should update these to bind to your host’s IP address, or for testing purposes. Be very careful when configuring this property, as it exposes the Administration API, and you certainly do not want this interface to be open to the public. This is why this value binds to the local interface by default.

Thanks and yes I now realize it would need to be bound to the interface and I wan’t to avoid that. I’ll try the setting.

Since it’s recommended to use services and routes instead of APIs in Kong; I’ve not found any community edition dashboards that support that functionality. That leaves rest clients or tedious curl commands which basically kicked off this whole issue. Kong is running on a server so I don’t have access to the desktop tools… Thank you very much for the response.