Kong gateway with a wildcard cert secret

Hi, We have some k8s clusters with Kong Gateways and are looking at doing TLS termination on the k8s cluster end.

all of our apps have the url something.domain.com
we have a wildcard cert for *.domain.com

I am wanting to terminate on the k8s instead of the F5 load balancer we are using.

We have a gateway per namespace (dev, qa, stage)

how would we set this gateway up to handle SSL termination on the k8s

Is this how I would do this? Would I still need to do this per gateway / namespace?

 apiVersion: gateway.networking.k8s.io/v1
 kind: Gateway
   name: example-gateway
   gatewayClassName: kong 
   - name: https
     port: 443
     protocol: HTTPS
     hostname: "*.domain.com"
       mode: Terminate
         - kind: Secret
           name: mywildcardcert

thanks in advance.