I’m trying to add below routes. But Im getting Bad Gateway error. Could anyone please tell me whether I’m doing it right?
Route 1:
"created_at": 1582737451768,
"strip_uri": true,
"id": "49a9c240-bc92-47dc-ad43-204f17c9a076",
"name": "dataupload",
"http_if_terminated": false,
"https_only": false,
"upstream_url": "http://***.***:8282",
"uris": [
"preserve_host": true,
"upstream_connect_timeout": 60000,
"upstream_read_timeout": 60000,
"upstream_send_timeout": 60000,
"retries": 5
Here I can hit my api successfully from https://***/example/api/v1/foo/13456/token/upload?threshold=6
Route 2:
“created_at”: 1582737920412,
“strip_uri”: true,
“id”: “8578183a-fe68-448d-a117-ae2cbc1e502e”,
“name”: “uploadbatch”,
“http_if_terminated”: false,
“https_only”: false,
“upstream_url”: “http://.:9090”,
“uris”: [
“preserve_host”: true,
“upstream_connect_timeout”: 60000,
“upstream_read_timeout”: 60000,
“upstream_send_timeout”: 60000,
“retries”: 5
In this route, the request is not gone through KONG. Im getting An invalid response was received from the upstream server
URL trying to hit: https://****/example/api/v1/batch/2014bdf5-e2d2-4976-ac79-a8dd3602f4c9
Thanks in Advance!!