How to develop custom plugin with Lua?

Hi everyone!
Currently, i am learning how to make a custom plugin with Lua. I choosing Lua because i think it’s have more references than another language and it will fit with Kong system.
But now i found not much document or video about this.
So anyone who have experience in develop custom plugin, please tell me how i could start to make my own plugin!

These 2 videos can get you started on the flow of plugins.


Thanks for posting the videos. I just got started with Kong this week at work to see how it will fit in with our goals. Understanding how to extend Kong functionality with plugins will be beneficial.

I suggest your learn from the best. I downloaded Kong OSS version and looked at the code for the plugins. GitHub - Kong/kong: 🦍 The Cloud-Native API Gateway
I think it is an invaluable piece of information, how you make the calls, what libraries are available in Kong natively.
Also, look at GitHub - Kong/kong-pongo: Tooling to run plugin tests with Kong and Kong Enterprise for testing.
My company purchased Kong last month, and I’ve been learning Lua to implement all the customizations that we need.

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