Forbidden: Error Installing kong helm chart in EKS instances Error

Hey Folks,
I am trying to do a helm install kong chart in one of my eks instances.
Below is my kubernetes version-

Client Version: v1.22.1
Server Version: v1.18.20-eks-8c49e2

I have the chart in my local and on
helm install kong kong_chart_helm --debug -n kong
I am getting this error in the console

I am getting the following error -

install.go:158: [debug] Original chart version: ""
install.go:175: [debug] CHART PATH: /home/ubuntu/kong/kong_chart_helm

client.go:98: [debug] creating 6 resource(s)
install.go:136: [debug] CRD is already present. Skipping.
install.go:149: [debug] Clearing discovery cache
wait.go:52: [debug] beginning wait for 0 resources with timeout of 1m0s
client.go:98: [debug] creating 5 resource(s)
Error: Service "kong-kong-admin" is invalid: [spec.ports[0].appProtocol: Forbidden: This field can be enabled with the ServiceAppProtocol feature gate, spec.ports[1].appProtocol: Forbidden: This field can be enabled with the ServiceAppProtocol feature gate]
helm.go:75: [debug] Service "kong-kong-admin" is invalid: [spec.ports[0].appProtocol: Forbidden: This field can be enabled with the ServiceAppProtocol feature gate, spec.ports[1].appProtocol: Forbidden: This field can be enabled with the ServiceAppProtocol feature gate]

On helm list - status is failed

NAME    NAMESPACE       REVISION        UPDATED                                 STATUS  CHART           APP VERSION
kong    kong            1               2022-03-25 12:42:25.34405107 +0000 UTC  failed  kong-2.7.0      2.7

The same chart is successfully installed in a kubernetes instance of GCP or Azure.

what am i missing here ?
Is there any additional configs required for EKS…?there is an
The same chart is successfully installed in a kubernetes instance of GCP or Azure.

what am i missing here ?
Is there any additional configs required for EKS…?