Difference between Kong DB-Less Declarative.yaml and ingress rule in Kubernetes

I am new to kong. I have installed kong DB-Less in to kubernetes cluster with deployment.yaml, service.yaml and configmap.yaml, where in configmap.yaml i have given certificates, plugin and services configurations as a declarative.yaml and will be placed inside the kong db-less pod.

My question is do i need to write ingress rule for this if so how i should write the rule, As i have already mentioned multiple services configuration(host,port,path & routes along with hosts,paths,strip_path).
do i need to mention those route rules again in ingress?

Note: I have deployed different django rest framework based microservices in kubernetes pods along with rabbitMQ pod. I am trying to route to those API’s using kong.

You are mixing two different ways of configuring Kong.
Either use Ingress rules or use the declarative YAML file. Don’t mix those two together.

Awesome… I am literally stuck with this query. Thank you i will try with this.

I am able to hit microservice pods but facing the following error,

{“error_code”: “AUTH_001”, “errors”: [“You do not have permission to call this API”]}

That doesn’t look like an error from Kong, it is coming from your microservice.