Hi, I am trying to establish Kong and Cert Manager Integration using Helm chart v2.38.0
In order to have default wildcard ssl certificate for proxy so all application in Kubernetes will use it by default.
Right now I issue each application ingress separate certificate.
I found this in helm chart values.yaml:
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Configure cert-manager integration
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
enabled: false
# Set either `issuer` or `clusterIssuer` to the name of the desired cert manager issuer
# If left blank a built in self-signed issuer will be created and utilized
issuer: ""
clusterIssuer: ""
# Set proxy.enabled to true to issue default kong-proxy certificate with cert-manager
enabled: true
# Set `issuer` or `clusterIssuer` to name of alternate cert-manager clusterIssuer to override default
# self-signed issuer.
issuer: ""
clusterIssuer: ""
# Use commonName and dnsNames to set the common name and dns alt names which this
# certificate is valid for. Wildcard records are supported by the included self-signed issuer.
commonName: "app.example"
# Remove the "[]" and uncomment/change the examples to add SANs
dnsNames: []
# - "app.example"
# - "*.apps.example"
# - "*.kong.example"
I ve edited with my values, but nothing happened. Then I’ve tried to edit default values and run
enabled: true
clusterIssuer: letsencrypt-cluster-issuer
enabled: true
clusterIssuer: letsencrypt-cluster-issuer
commonName: domain.com
- "domain.com"
- "*.domain.com"
$helm template . -f values.yam
I don’t see any changes in output manifest comparing with default values file.
What am I missing?
I expect to have one default certificate that would be renewed by Cert-manager and all applications with subdomains in K8s cluster will use it as default