We were hoping to get health check result without using kong admin

we’re running Kong in a Kubernetes cluster, currently backed by Postgres (also in Kubernetes). We were hoping to get health check result without using kong admin.for example using Kubernetes some features or other method to do id .how to do it?Has any suggest?thank you very much.

Take a look at status_listen:

I want to get the kong Routed services’s result of health check.not the node of kong.but,we don’t want to expose our ip of the kong admin.Has any suggest?thank you very much.

We add a /health Route to Kong that uses a “no-op” Service with fake hostname. Then we add the Request Termination Plugin to that Service and have it return an “ok” message.

The Kubernetes liveness and readiness probes are configured to call the /health Route.

We ensure those pieces exist when the pod starts up by using an init container that uses the Kong docker image and a custom (somewhat long) entrypoint.