Supabase & Kong + local dev = SSL failure

Hi all. New to Supabase and Kong, but I have Supabase running in its local-dev mode. The problem is that any attempts to call Supabase user-auth functions from a client (I’m writing an app using the Supabase Swift library) fail.

I had already generated (using mkcert) a local certificate authority, certificate, and key files and had them working locally with my Deno back-end. My app could hit it with HTTPS. But I don’t know how to deploy these for use in Supabase.

I read this post, which is about self-hosting: SSL Self-Hosting · supabase · Discussion #3469 · GitHub

and it refers to Kong documentation but I don’t see a solution there. Early on, it states, “The installation of Kong provides default SSL certificates for localhost.”

I don’t know if that’s true or how to use them, then. Before I switched to Supabase, I had my app working locally with a Deno back end. I generated root CA, certificate, and key files for my local machine. I don’t know what to do with these to make Supabase work with them (or any others). The Kong doc above says,

  1. Upload the certificate and key to Kong. We are creating the SNI entity with the same Admin API request

curl -k -X POST

but kong.lan is not recognized on my machine even with Supabase running. I tried the syntax given on that Kong page but substituting what seem to me reasonable values (those are the real names of my cert files):

curl -k -X POST https://localhost:8444/certificates -H 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data' -F cert=@./localDev-cert.pem -F key=@./localDev-key.pem -F snis[]=localhost

but that returned

zsh: no matches found: snis[]=localhost

and removing the snis part resulted in

curl: (7) Failed to connect to localhost port 8444 after 0 ms: Couldn't connect to server

So… I’m at a loss here as to how to proceed. Any insight appreciated!

So nobody knows how to make local dev work?