Strip part of a path prefix when routing

Yes, I believe strip_path would work for the a route like /my-service, but I’m a little confused on the best way to tie multiple routes to a single service. A root path like /my-service with strip_path set to true results in an upstream request with a path of /, and isn’t the same true for a path like /my-service/foobar? In that second case, I’d like the proxied path to instead be /foobar.

I could create another service with the same upstream API and give it a path of /foobar, then attach a route with a path of /my-service/foobar (with strip_path set to true) and get the result I’m looking for; however, I’m wondering if it’s possible to do this with a single service.

The problem I’m trying to solve is that I have a single route that requires authentication and several other routes that do not; these routes all proxy to the same deployed API, so it made sense to me to configure Kong with a single service but perhaps that’s not the best way to accomplish that.

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