Multiple Rate-Limit plugins on the same route

Hello Champs,
We are running kong 2.1.4 in gateway mode on k8s.
Im looking to enable different rate limiting tiers for customers on the same routes\services.
Use Case: Client A with header ‘x-api-key: 123’ gets higher rate limit, Client B with header ‘x-api-key 321’ is getting the default rate limit setting for the route\service.

I was able to

  1. Play with the rate limit plugin and configure rate limiting based on configurable header value
    if not identifier and conf.limit_by_api_key_header == true then api_key_value= kong.request.get_header('x-api-key') if api_key_value == conf.api_key then identifier = api_key_value kong.log.err("value is: ", api_key_value) kong.log.err("identifier is: ", identifier) end end
  2. Use consumers + key-auth plugin to give each consumer its own rate limit setting

But when i have a request with ‘x-api-key’ that is not defined in one of the consumers i.e any other client that did not pay for extra rate limit, Im getting a 401 Invalid authentication credentials and the requests without consumer still land on the special rate limit route

Is there any config i can do to achieve this ?