I just started using kong(v0.13) , some doubts about kong’s loadbalance reference , ref : https://getkong.org/docs/0.13.x/loadbalancing/#ring-balancer
follow the reference
$ curl -X POST http://kong:8001/upstreams \
--data "name=address.v1.service"
# add two targets to the upstream
$ curl -X POST http://kong:8001/upstreams/address.v1.service/targets \
--data "target="
--data "weight=100"
$ curl -X POST http://kong:8001/upstreams/address.v1.service/targets \
--data "target="
--data "weight=50"
i already have the upstream address.v1.service,and its targets and
maybe it corresponds to nginx’s config
upstream address.v1.service{
server weight=100;
server weight=50;
but i don’t konw how to configure the location to map my request,like nginx’s config
location /hello {
proxy_pass http://address.v1.service/
how can map the request uri /hello to the upstream address.v1.service in kong?