Kong timeouts at start up

Hi All
We are new to cassandra and new to kong.
We have a 3 node cassandra cluster. When we attempt to do kong migrations up, we continually get timeouts. Tried resetting the cassandra_schema_consensus_timeout to 60000, but it still timeouts out. Tried this about 20 times.

Has anyone else seen this issue and can offer some advice?

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Hi @james.ash,

Two questions:

  1. Could you provide us with any sort of logs? From the CLI (stdout/stderr) and from Cassandra itself if it contains errors.
  2. Are you certain that your Cassandra cluster is correctly configured and that the peers have a seed node, and are able to communicate between each other? If so, then any insight has to how you provisioned them could would be helpful here.

We cannot help you without more information.

Thanks for the reply. This was caused by an issue with cassandra that was fixed with a restart of Cassandra.