Kong not starting due to unknown error

I working on setting up kong version 1.1.2 from source, but ran into this error when I went to start kong:

Error: /usr/local/share/lua/5.1/kong/cmd/start.lua:50: nginx: [error] init_by_lua error: /usr/local/share/lua/5.1/kong/init.lua:402: error loading plugin schemas: on plugin 'datadog': [postgres] schema violation (fields.2: {
  fields = {
    [4] = {
      default = "error in schema prevents from validating this field"
}); on plugin 'prometheus': failed converting legacy schema for prometheus: [postgres] schema violation (fields.1: {
  fields = {
    [2] = {
      default = {
        "expected a string",
        "expected a string",
        "expected a string",
        "expected a string",
        "expected a string",
        "expected a string",
        "expected a string",
        "expected a string"
}); on plugin 'statsd': [postgres] schema violation (fields.2: {
  fields = {
    [4] = {
      default = "error in schema prevents from validating this field"
stack traceback:
	[C]: in function 'assert'
	/usr/local/share/lua/5.1/kong/init.lua:402: in function 'init'
	init_by_lua:3: in main chunk

  Run with --v (verbose) or --vv (debug) for more details

I’ve tried to handle it on my own but failed miserably. I can’t quite understand what the error output is saying and I know next to nothing about lua. Can anyone point me in the right direction of how to fix this?

Have you ran the Kong migrations already? Is this upgrading an existing Kong installation?

FWIW there’s a docker based development environment if that works for your needs: https://github.com/Kong/kong-build-tools#developing-kong

Yes, I have ran the migrations, in fact, I have reset migrations several times with no changes to the error messages. As for the existing installation, this is not an upgrade, but a brand new installation. And for docker, I not knowledgeable on it. Should I give docker a try? And can it run on my local system?

I would recommend starting Kong with --v (verbose) flag - it provides plenty of helpful messages/values of config parameters. Also, you can try re-installing PostgresSQL/kong db from scratch, run migrations and then start Kong with verbose flag.