Kong matchin prefix path

Hi All,
we are upgrading our Kong environment from 1.1 to 1.2 version and we noticed that the routes matching not working as expected. We noticed that the path prefix are matched after the regex path and in the previous version the behavior is the reverse.

After some checking into documentation we noticed that the behavior is changed into version 1.2 and the documentation reports:

kong CE 1.1.x
As previously mentioned, Kong evaluates prefix paths by length: the longest prefix paths are evaluated first. However, Kong will evaluate regex paths based on the regex_priority attribute of Routes from highest priority to lowest. This means that considering the following Routes:

kong CE 1.2.x
As previously mentioned, Kong evaluates prefix paths by length: the longest prefix paths are evaluated first. However, Kong will evaluate regex paths based on the regex_priority attribute of Routes from highest priority to lowest. Regex paths are furthermore evaluated before prefix paths.

Do we have to change the entire route configuration with regex path to permit the previos behavior ?

Thanks in advance,