Kong Ingress returns 500 error after 5 min


We are using Kong in Kubernetes:

app.kubernetes.io/version: '3.2'
helm.sh/chart: kong-2.22.0

We are using AWS EKS and we have setup kong with service.beta.kubernetes.io/aws-load-balancer-type: nlb

We have an application with an Ingress and a Service.

The service has the timeout annotations:

konghq.com/read-timeout: '915000'
    konghq.com/send-timeout: '915000'

When we send a request we get a 500 HTTP error after exactly 5 minutes that is not coming from the app.
I tried to port-forward to the service and it works fine. It only happens when using the ingress.

If I set the timeout annotations to 3 minutes then I get 504 timeout error after 3 minutes as expected. If I set it to longer than 5 minutes, then I get a 500 error.

I tried to disable all plugins but it did not help. We have no idea why this is happening. Any help would be greatly appreciated since we are really stuck, thank you!

Hey @Javier_rnr. Could you raise a GitHub issue so that our engineering team can take a look? Sign in to GitHub · GitHub

Done: Kong Ingress returns 500 error after 5 min · Issue #6300 · Kong/kubernetes-ingress-controller · GitHub

thank you so much