🥇 Kong Cloud Connectivity Innovator Awards are OPEN!

Kong is launching our inaugural Cloud Connectivity Innovator Awards to shine a light on the impressive projects our customers and community users like you have taken on while using Kong!

Do you have an interesting use case with Kong? Submit by August 24th for a chance to be recognized on stage (or virtually) at an awards ceremony during Kong Summit 2021 on September 28, 2021.

Winners will also receive a trophy, recognition via social promotion and a press release, a promotional toolkit, a donation to a charity (Kong will provide the funding and the list of charity options) and a chance to chat on stage (if attending in person) at the awards ceremony with Kong Co-Founders Augusto Marietti and Marco Palladino.

APPLY NOW: Cloud Connectivity Innovator Awards - KongHQ :1st_place_medal: :gorilla: