Ingress deletion doesn't reflect in postgres in kubernetes hybrid mode

Hi Team ,

I am pretty much new to kong , was trying to setup Kong inside kubernetes in hybrid mode for which I have tried to use the below 2 files from examples-values folder

but I can see in minimal-kong-hybrid-control.yaml file ingressController.enabled is set to false . I had earlier 2 ingress created inside kubernetes

which I can clearly see in postgres

kong=> select * from services ;
id | created_at | updated_at | name | retries | protocol | host | port | path | co
nnect_timeout | write_timeout | read_timeout | tags | client_certificate_id | tls_verify | tls_verify_depth | ca_certificates | ws_id


502456c5-2876-48c5-afb2-903ae5759e8b | 2021-05-15 17:19:30+00 | 2021-05-15 17:19:30+00 | | 5 | http | bar-service.default.5000.svc | 80 | / |
60000 | 60000 | 60000 | {managed-by-ingress-controller} | | | | | 64534146-a7b9-432c-9fe7-71ff06
69284739-b30e-4281-9501-df6528388258 | 2021-05-15 17:29:34+00 | 2021-05-15 17:29:34+00 | | 5 | http | foo-service.default.5000.svc | 80 | / |
60000 | 60000 | 60000 | {managed-by-ingress-controller} | | | | | 64534146-a7b9-432c-9fe7-71ff06
(2 rows)

but even after deleting ingress resource I can still see the foo entry inside postgres

Earlier I did setup in standalone mode where ingress controller was also deployed so all entries were created from last iteration of POC .

It seems not setting ingressController.enabled to true is one possible reason of this in hybrid mode , can someone please help