Curl (7) failed to connect to localhost port 8001 connection refused

curl (7) failed to connect to localhost port 8001 connection refused

What have you tried? How have you installed kong? Have you tried with instead of with localhost?

tried getting same error

Docker Toolbox is a legacy windows app and it is recommended to upgrade to Docker for Windows. That might be the cause of your problems.

even i tried in ubuntu but got same error

@kikito and @Santhosh_Kumar

Have you been able to give some traceability to this error?

I have a similar situation in which my kong-ingress-controller pod is in CrashLoopBackOff status.
This happens with many frequencies, and after to some minutes (usually more that 1 minute), my pod is running again. I’ve posted details here in this question

i have the same problem and not use docker toolbox. how about it?


Was the connection refused issue resolved ?