Curl: (52) Empty reply from server

I followed the instructions to set up and start kong on my macOS. It seems work fine. I got no error message. However I ‘got curl: (52) Empty reply from server’ with curl -i http://localhost:8001/ command.

Which installation method you used?

brew install kong (I use postgresSQL, not using Cassandra)

kong migrations bootstrap ran successfully?

This is related to a recent patch of PCRE in 8.4.3 on macos.

i had similar problems

brew uninstall luarocks
brew uninstall openresty
brew install kong

and rebooted mac a few times - eventually got it to work.

run with kong start -vv

Over the weekend, there was a fix to the way Openresty uses PCRE to workaround this problem. When you did the uninstall//reinstall cycle, you must have picked up the newer version of Openresty.

It doesn’t look like a bug. It’s the expected response message from a fresh install. Have you set up any route yet?