Cannot create new Consumers

I am running Kong on kubernetes. When attemping to post a new consumer it accepts it and returns me Json specifing an ID etc, but if I requery the consumers endpoint it shows no results, when checking the database tables it also shows no rows. Is this a common issue? Ive installed Kong twice (once using helm although I had a password problem on upgrade there and once using an article I found online) and both have resulted in the same consumer problem.
Kong version on the proxy shows 1.1.2
postgres container appears to be 9.5
I have also tested using konga as a webUI to rule out me doing anything stupid with the API and it also results in the same.

Are you using Kong Ingress Controller or using a standalone Kong instance on Kubernetes?

Do you see the consumer being deleted as soon as it is created or is it deleted after a delay?

This is not something that we have seen happen. It is likely a misconfiguration.