Zipkin plugin in kong-community-edition-0.14.0rc3?

  1. Should I use Zipkin plugin in kong version kong-community-edition-0.14.0rc3(kong-community-edition-0.14.0rc3.trusty.all.deb) or Do I need to wait for final release of kong 0.14?

The rc’s (Release Candidates) are experimental and not the “final” release of 0.14.0 so its a use and test at your own risk. Granted its better for the community the more people play with the release candidate and report bugs the quicker the official 0.14.0 can release :slight_smile: .So I would say go for it :+1: . But don’t use it in production right now, 0.14.0 is coming out probably sometime this week from what I read.

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