Unable to install lbase64 , Luarocks Internal error

One of my lua rockspec has a dependency on lbase64. When i try to install lbase64, getting this error,
Does anyone know how to get around this issue. It was working until 8.00 pm Pacific today ( Mar-12-2019) .

Failed installing dependency: https://luarocks.org/lbase64-20120820-1.src.rock - Could not fetch rock file: Error fetching file: Failed downloading https://luarocks.org/lbase64-20120820-1.src.rock - lbase64-20120820-1.src.rock

When I tried to access the url (https://luarocks.org/lbase64-20120820-1.src.rock - lbase64-20120820-1.src.rock) via browser got the below message.


We encountered an internal error. Please try again.


Ok, Got around this issue by running a search using the following url.
RUN luarocks --server=http://rocks.moonscript.org search lbase64

After running the search luarocks started to use “https://luarocks.org/lbase64-20120807-3.src.rock” instead of the stale one "https://luarocks.org/lbase64-20120820-1.src.rock "