Problem with ssl handshake

We have exceeded the limit of open files on server. Kong write to log file next:

2019/11/01 06:01:13 [crit] 22660#0: accept4() failed (23: Too many open files in system)
2019/11/01 06:01:13 [crit] 22658#0: accept4() failed (23: Too many open files in system)
2019/11/01 06:01:13 [crit] 22659#0: accept4() failed (23: Too many open files in system)
2019/11/01 06:01:19 [alert] 22663#0: *13790724 socket() failed (23: Too many open files in system), context: ngx.timer
2019/11/01 06:01:53 [error] 22661#0: *13791067 [lua] postgres.lua:221: [postgres] could not cleanup TTLs: connection refused, context: ngx.timer
2019/11/01 06:01:54 [error] 22662#0: *13791075 [lua] postgres.lua:221: [postgres] could not cleanup TTLs: connection refused, context: ngx.timer

But in log we have errors with ssl handshake:

2019/11/01 09:54:22 [error] 22660#0: *13950752 lua entry thread aborted: runtime error: 
/usr/local/openresty/lualib/resty/core/misc.lua:103: API disabled in the current context
stack traceback:
coroutine 0:
        [C]: in function 'error'
        /usr/local/openresty/lualib/resty/core/misc.lua:103: in function '__newindex'
        /usr/local/share/lua/5.1/kong/tools/responses.lua:125: in function 'load_plugin_configuration'
        /usr/local/share/lua/5.1/kong/runloop/plugins_iterator.lua:186: in function '(for generator)'
        /usr/local/share/lua/5.1/kong/init.lua:347: in function 'ssl_certificate'
        ssl_certificate_by_lua:2: in function <ssl_certificate_by_lua:1>, context: ssl_certificate_by_lua*, client:, server:

How do limits of open file lead to handshake problems?