Kong will use last correct code if newer code goes wrong

it seems Kong will use last correct code if newer code goes wrong, this is very bad for development , I have to remove the docker instance , prepare all data needed , this takes lots of duplicated time. the most troublesome for me is that:

  1. prepare all data if code went wrong
  2. once I changed , I have to run luarocks make to install latest code every time.
  3. Kong will not log 500 errors.

I’m sorry you are experiencing difficulties.

it seems Kong will use last correct code if newer code goes wrong

Could you be more specific? What does “goes wrong” mean?

It sounds like your problems are coming from using Docker for development. If you are not very familiar with Docker, I would consider skipping it: installing the dependencies, etc directly in your machine, and working with more “regular” env.

1/2. I agree coding/working with Kong is not as friendly as say a java app where you have an IDE and can debug line by line during execution. But it does force you to really think about your code and learn how to print debug logs :smiley: .

  1. Kong v14 will log 500 errors, its soon to be released.